- Develops the five-year and annual strategic plans for the development of science of YHU and carries out the monitoring of their implementation.
- Prepares and approves the issues on the agenda of the Scientific Council of the YHU and conducts the meetings of the General Council,
- Develops and revises the internal university legal acts regulating the research process,
- Guarantees the publication of academic monographs, textbooks, educational and methodological manuals of the teaching staff,
- Awards scientific titles of docent and professor according to the established procedure,
- Organizes and conducts scientific conferences, annual scientific sessions of the Board of Directors, periodic scientific and methodical seminars,
- Presents the scientific results and the annual scientific report of the academic staff of YHU,
- Coordinates the work of the Research Resource Center,
- Supports the scientific cooperation of YHU with universities and research centers in Armenia and abroad,
- Publishes YHU Scientific journal in fields of economics, pedagogy and psychology, philology, law, medicine and natural sciences.
- Coordinates the work of the YHU Student Scientific Society (SSS)
- Organizes and conducts SSS conferences, discussions, public lectures,
- Publishes in the YHU website the SSS annual journal
Working time
Contact info
It is an encouraging wish. If you have specified the scope of your interests, then you can start research with term paper. Your skilled professors will help you to carry out uncomplicated research work that will enable further more serious implementation of research works.
Yes, you can, if you have published scientific articles in the last three years and it is mentioned that you also represent the YHH. In that case, you can submit an application to the rector with the appropriate request.
If report Y is submitted only by YHH, the entire amount requiredwill be transferred by the YHH. And if the report is also submitted by other institutions, then YHH will payonly his share. The same applies to the SCOPUS or Web of Science list to the publication of an article in periodicals, if the amount of the fee does not exceed $200.
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Хорхе Луис Борхес