General information and responsibilities of the unit.
- Receiving, discussing and providing a response to the student's financial applications
- Conclusion of study agreements between the applicant and the University
- Providing information on fees applicable at the University
According to the study agreement concluded between the student and the
University, the Student can pay the tuition fee pay by cashless and bank transfer option
during the following period:
1. one time
2. first round by September 15
3. second round by February 15
Discounts on tuition fees are applied at the University, as approved by the Rector of
the order on the conditions for the full reimbursement (free) and partial discounts of the fees
for the academic year
Submit the appropriate unit approved by the Rector for the given academic year, one
of the points specified in the order on the conditions for the full compensation of fees (free)
and the application of partial discounts a package of supporting documents and fill out an
The student fills out an application, where the fact of partial payment of the tuition
fee is indicated.
In the application filled out by the student, the reasons for the late payment of rent
are indicated, which according to the Rector, an additional period is provided for the payment
of the tuition fee.
Working time
Contact info
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