
YHU Scientific Journal, Vol 10, p94-104, 2024


1,2.Safaryan Garnik, 1,2.Malkhasyan Liana

1. Institute of Philosophy, Sociology, and Law, NAS RA. 2.
Yerevan “Haybusak” University

Submitted 13.05 ,   Accepted 26.06

DOI: 10.61484/29538181-sj.10.24-12
Abstract. The essence of the historical types of the state and law is one of the most crucial historical moments, without which impossible to understand the development of their essence, their socio-political content, and significance, their form, activity, or the change of their place and role in the political system of society: By the different levels of development of the economy and society, taking into account the patterns of their economic development and activity, the appropriate levels of development, the type of state and law, and the patterns of their existence and activity are defined. On the one hand, a close connection and interdependence exists between the types and development patterns of economy and society and state and law on the other. However, there is no rigid, direct connection and correlation between them. The regularities of development and the escalation of state and law from one type to another generally correspond to the transformation of development patterns and economic base and society into different types, along with it, have their peculiarities, and their relative independence.

Keywords: State, law, historical type, typology, society, legal system, political system.