
YHU Scientific Journal, Vol 10, p21-31, 2024


1.Gayane Gevorgyan,2. Anna Harutyunyan

ԵՀՀ Տնտեսագիտության, կառավարման եւ ինֆորմատիկայի ինստիտուտ

Submitted 15.05 ,   Accepted 26.06

DOI: 10.61484/29538181-sj.10.24-03
Abstract. In the management of public finances, the management of public investmentsis important, which is a system providing regulations and control mechanisms applicable to the selection, development, selection, and implementation of public investment programs within the framework of public finance management. Public investment is the acquisition of a non-financial asset of the consolidated budget, or the creation, replacement, or significant improvement of a non-financial asset, which causes an expense or contingent liability for the consolidated budget of the Republic of Armenia. A significant improvement is considered to be the restoration, reconstruction or expansion of the asset aimed at increasing the productivity of the asset or increasing the life of the asset.

Keywords: public finance, public investment, investment program, public procurement, public-private partnership, venture capital.