YHU Scientific Journal, Vol 10, p144-154, 2024
Hamlet Stepanyan
Yerevan Haybusak University
Submitted 15.04 , Accepted 26.06
DOI: 10.61484/29538181-sj.10.24-18
Abstract. Experimental observations show that the third sector in Armenia, being a sphere of human activity, has simultaneously become one of the components of the economy. This consequence is due to the compensability of certain parts of the activities of the third sec-tor: fundraising, hiring of employees, etc. Historically, the reality is that in the transition period in Armenia (including other CIS countries) the constituent elements of society – the independent democratic state, private business, and public organizations were established, formed, and developed at the same time. Meanwhile, in countries with deep democratic traditions – France, England, and the United States – the state was formed first, then private business developed, and then only public organizations. History does not know such developments. It is an interesting new phenomenon for theorists. The characteristics of the institutional development of the civil society in the transi-tional period after the collapse of the USSR are given. In particular, the features of form-ing, developing, and establishing public organizations, parties, trade unions, and free press in conditions of independence are shown.
Keywords: civil society, parties, trade unions, press, media, democracy, transition period.
Abstract. Experimental observations show that the third sector in Armenia, being a sphere of human activity, has simultaneously become one of the components of the economy. This consequence is due to the compensability of certain parts of the activities of the third sec-tor: fundraising, hiring of employees, etc. Historically, the reality is that in the transition period in Armenia (including other CIS countries) the constituent elements of society – the independent democratic state, private business, and public organizations were established, formed, and developed at the same time. Meanwhile, in countries with deep democratic traditions – France, England, and the United States – the state was formed first, then private business developed, and then only public organizations. History does not know such developments. It is an interesting new phenomenon for theorists. The characteristics of the institutional development of the civil society in the transi-tional period after the collapse of the USSR are given. In particular, the features of form-ing, developing, and establishing public organizations, parties, trade unions, and free press in conditions of independence are shown.
Keywords: civil society, parties, trade unions, press, media, democracy, transition period.